Gifts to Helena Lions Club Foundation may be in the form of outright gifts, pledges, or a deferred commitment.
Outright Gifts:
Gifts that can be placed at the immediate disposal of the Foundation.
- Cash and Cash Equivalents. Cash is often the easiest way to give and the most frequently received form of gift by the Foundation. These gifts normally take the form of currency or check.
Checks shall be made payable to "Helena Lions Club Foundation".
- Publicly Traded Securities. Gifts of publicly traded securities are normally made by electronic transfer to the Foundation Investment Account as instructed by the Foundation. Stock gifts shall be valued based on the date of transfer to the Foundation and at the average of the high and low market value on the day of transfer.
- Non-Publicly Traded Securities. Gifts of non-publicly traded or closely held securities will be accepted by the Foundation after review and approval of the Foundation Board of Directors. Valuation of non-publicly traded securities will be made by an independent accountant.
- Charitable IRA Rollover. Currently, donors 70 ½ years of age or older can give the Foundation up to $100,000 per year from traditional IRA’s, tax free. This is a popular tax saving opportunity which can replace the annual taxable minimum distribution required by the government on conventional IRA’s for taxpayers 70 ½ and over. This tax saving contribution provision has been included in the Federal Tax Law since 2006 and was extended through 2012. Please check with the Foundation for current status.
- Real Property. Real property includes improved or unimproved land, personal residences, farmland, commercial property, and mineral interests. All real property gifts must be accompanied by a current appraisal, and each gift will be reviewed for marketability and environmental risks by the Foundation Board of Directors prior to acceptance by the Foundation.
- Tangible Personal Property. The Foundation may consider gifts of personal property, including but not limited to works of art, manuscripts, literary works, motor vehicles, computer equipment, etc., only after a review indicates that the property is readily marketable. Gifts will be valued at their full market value.
- Pledges. Pledges are a commitment to give a specific dollar amount in accord with a fixed time schedule. All pledges are required to be in writing.
- Memorial Gifts and Tribute Gifts. A donor may give a gift to the Foundation in memory of a deceased individual, or as a gift to honor an individual for recognized achievements. The Foundation will notify the family of the deceased or the honoree of the tribute gift.
Planned Gifts
Planned gifts are deferred receipt gifts in which the donor retains an interest.
- Charitable Bequests. Donors can make charitable bequests to the Foundation in wills or living trusts. The charitable bequest is the most popular form of estate gift plans and offers the opportunity to create a legacy to benefit your favorite charitable organization or charity during your lifetime and beyond.
- Charitable Trusts. Donors can establish charitable trusts as a tax advantaged method of making gifts to the Foundation. Charitable trusts should be established by the donor in consultation with his/her own financial advisor.
- Life Insurance Policies. Gifts of a life insurance policy can be accepted by the Foundation in the event that the Foundation is named the owner and sole beneficiary of the gifted insurance policy. The Foundation may, at its option, surrender the policy for its cash value, or retain the policy until the death of the donor.
- Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation. Donors may designate the Foundation as the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of their life insurance policies.
Many local and national organizations provide financial assistance to charitable organizations through specific grant programs. Opportunities exist for the Foundation to pursue grant programs when applicable. The Foundation actively encourages prospective grant organizations to include Helena Lions Club Foundation in their grant programs.