How We Serve
Following are some Helena Lions Club services and projects:
- We assist with vision exams*
- We assist with eye glasses*
- We assist with hearing aides*
- We assist with vision or hearing related medical expenses*
- We perform vision screenings of elementary school students
- We support diabetes screening programs
- We collect used eye glasses for redistribution in needy regions of the world | See below
- We collect used hearing aids for redistribution in needy regions of the world
- We provide concessions services at local events
- We hear local speakers
- We provide college scholarships
- We support Helena Lions Swim Team
- We support Small Fry Football
- We support Babe Ruth Baseball
- We support Helena's YMCA
- We operate Helena Lions Sunshine Camp
- We support, sponsor, and assist many other local events and causes
*For assistance with services marked (*) please complete a Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation application found at
Recycle Eye Glasses: Per the World Health Organization, an estimated 120 million people are visually impaired because of uncorrected refractive errors (far and near sightedness). Almost all cases can be corrected and normal vision can be restored with eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery. The lack of eyeglasses denies children and adults opportunities for education, employment and a better quality of life. Helena Lions Club collect used eyeglasses at various community locations. The glasses are shipped to a Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center where trained volunteers sort, clean and determine the prescription strengths of the glasses. Volunteers carefully package the prepared glasses for dispensing missions. At the mission site, eye care professionals and trained Lion volunteers perform vision screenings and dispense the appropriate recycled glasses, free of charge, to children and adults in need.
Helena Lions Club collects usable used eye glasses at the following locations:
- Slate Architecture, 1470 North Roberts Street
- Helena Vision Center, 630 N Last Chance Gulch, Suite 1200
- HA&TCo, Helena Abstract & Title Company, 314 Fuller Avenue
- Rocky Mountain Development Council, Inc., (Neighborhood Center), 200 South Cruise Street [Verify accessibility due to COVID - 447-1680]
- Van's Thriftway (Service Desk), 306 Euclid Avenue
- Good Samaritan Thrift Store (service desk), 3067 N Montana Avenue
- Walmart Vision Center, 2750 Prospect Avenue
Donated eye glasses must be usable and complete. Frames without lenses, loose lenses, and cases or puches present too large a burdon in the processing and we ask that these not be donated.
Contact us at Helena Lions Club, PO Box 1077, Helena, MT 59624 for more information.