New Meeting Location
As of August 2023, Helena Lions Club regular meetings are held at The Brewhouse [Downstairs], 939 Getchell Street, Helena. Please join us with meetings begining at 12:10 the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.
Helena Lions Sunshine Camp is Appreciated
The following is one of many letters and commentaries Helena Lions Club has received regarding our Sunshine Camp.
"Dear Helena Lions Club Members-
I wanted to take a moment and share with you the recent experience that the Summer SACC Program had at the Lions Sunshine Camp. Historically we spend the last week of our summer program up at Sunshine Camp. Children are dropped off each morning in town by their families and we bus them to and from the camp.
For many SACC kids our time at Sunshine Camp is the closest they ever come to camping or being in the great outdoors. Our mornings are spent in traditional campcraft activities like making friendship bracelets, drawing or painting the nature scenes around them, and learning archery. In the afternoon kids choose to take a hike along the ridge above the camp, brave the icy waters of the Little Blackfoot, or play in the woods. We also learn about the Little Blackfoot/Columbia River Watershed, care of the environment, and the Continental Divide. Kids (and staff!) come home hot, tired, and maybe even a little dirty. They also come home full of lifelong memories of Sunshine Camp. Most exclaim that Sunshine Camp is their favorite week of Summer SACC!
We look forward to creating these memories every summer and look forward to it each year. Thanks again for the opportunity of sharing the Lions Sunshine Camp with us.
Yours truly- Kirstan Roush, SACC Program Director"
See the Sunshine Camp tab above for more information about our Sunshine Camp, including options to reserve the Camp for your experience.
We're on Facebook
Visit Facebook and search for us: Helena Lions Club. See photos and more information about us and our activities here. NOTE: There are other Lions Clubs from cities, towns, and areas named Helena. Examples include fine Clubs in Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Austria. We are the Helena Lions Club serving the capital city of the State of Montana since May 3rd, 1933.
Helena Lions Club Offers Free Vision Screenings to Local Schools
Helena Lions Club offers all local schools a service of free vision screenings for students. We use a PlusOptix system to detect vision concerns such as anisometropia, astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, gaze asymmetry, and anisocoria. These are all vision issues which can be detected and treated at an early age. Using the PlusOptix equipment we can enter a classroom and screen each student. Our time with an individual student is mere seconds. An entire class can be screened in a matter of minutes with very little set-up required. The PlusOptix system uses a sophisticated meter which looks somewhat like a camera, except it is packed with technology that evaluates a student's eyes from a distance of about 3.5 feet. Students find the screening process to be fun and exciting. We work with school nurses or administrators to arrange screenings and we provide them the screening results. The PlusOptix system identifies findings where a student is referred for a more complete vision exam. The school nurse or administrators then follow-up with the student. As needed, the student's family may contact Helena Lions Club for our seperate program providing professional eye exams and eye glasses. Please contact Helena Lions Club or any Lion for more information.
Helena Lions Club Foundation is a Great Option
The Helena Lions Club Foundation has been organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code which provides tax benefits on charitable gifts to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. This Foundation provides an opportune means for members, businesses, and individuals to assist the Helena Lions Club in raising additional funds for our many charitable causes. The Helena Lions Club supports a number of programs to address critical services and individual needs in our community including preserving sight and hearing, combating disabilities, promoting health, serving the youth of our community and many others. Efforts of our Club help people lead healthier and productive lives. The mission of the Helena Lions Club Foundation is to support the efforts of the Helena Lions Club in serving our local community in carrying out its many essential humanitarian projects. The formation of our Helena Lions Club Foundation provides an opportunity for businesses and individuals alike in the community to make tax deductible gifts which will go directly to benefit our community and to assist those less fortunate.
Please consider the Helena Lions Club Foundation when planning your future charitable donations. Click here to download contribution form or select the HLC Foundation tab at the top of this page for more information.